Release: Board of Estimates Agenda for 3/20

Crest of the City of Baltimore

Bill Henry
Baltimore City
204 City Hall - Baltimore Maryland 21202
(410) 396-5410


Geoff Shannon, Public Relations Officer
(410) 387-5704


Baltimore, MD - The agenda for the Board of Estimates March 20th meeting is now available. It can be found on the Comptroller’s website under the Board of Estimates tab. 

We're on Threads! Follow for live information during Board of Estimates meetings and other activities from the Comptroller's Office. 

Items of Note

These are transactions we find interesting or may be of interest to the public, organized by agency. A separate list of items on the non-routine/discussion agenda are announced at the BOE meeting.

American Rescue Plan Act

SB-24-10705, Grant Agreement (442304) – Baltimore City Public Schools Capital Design Services and Renovations. Amount is $8,189,820. “To provide funding for design services for two City schools, installation of Air Conditioning (AC) units at one school, and the renovation of one synthetic turf football field.”

SB-24-10631, Amendment 1 - ARPA - Broadband and Digital Equity ARPA Interagency Agreement. Amount is $14,600,000. “The purpose of this Interagency Agreement amendment is to increase the ARPA award amount from the Mayor’s Office of Recovery Programs to the Baltimore City Office of Information and Technology (BCIT) from $6,000,000 to $20,600,000 to expand broadband infrastructure and provide services to communities impacted by the digital divide.”


SB-24-10749, The Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) of the Enoch Pratt Free Library (EPFL) for Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2022.

SB-24-10469, Biennial Performance Audit of the Department of Finance for the Fiscal Years Ended June 30, 2022 and June 30, 2021.

General Services

SB-24-10642, Emergency Procurement - Contract GS23801 - Baltimore City Police Department Headquarters Garage Repairs. Transaction amount is $6,838,000. “The collapse of the second and third floors of the Baltimore Police Department Headquarters garage was of such magnitude that it was determined immediate emergency solutions were required due to the risk of further damages and potential hazards to both life and property giving rise to the need to obtain public works to address the collapse.”

Information and Technology

SB-24-10791, Cooperative Contract with Revenue Solutions, Inc. for Tax Software System, Real and Personal Property. Transaction amount is $11,862,275. “To provide goods and services for the implementation of software services to support the City's Tax Modernization Project for the term starting April 1, 2024, and ending January 3, 2026.”

Housing and Community Development

SB-24-10108 – Administrative Regulations - City-Owned Real Property Fixed Pricing Disposition Policy, $49,875. This item was deferred from the March 6th Board of Estimates meeting.


SB-24-10485, Employment Agreement, Ebony M Thompson, Esq. Amount is $245,000.

 SB-24-10999, Employee Contract, DPW Director, Khalil Zaied. Amount is $245,000.60. 


SB-24-10673, Consultant Agreement - Guidehouse Inc - Mayors Office of Infrastructure Development. Amount is $700,000.


SB-24-10789, Award - 06000 - McAfee Election Services. Transaction amount t is $1,773,205.20. “The purpose of procuring the services of McAfee Election Services, Inc. is to administer the upcoming 2024 Presidential/Mayoral Primary and General Elections for Baltimore City.”

SB-24-10870, Award - RFQ-000205 - Manage and Operate Food & Beverage Service for the Baltimore Convention Center. TO Levy Baltimore, LLC. Period of agreement is 3/20/2024 / to 3/19/2034.

SB-24-14869, Award - Contract 08000– Gunshot Detection, Location, and Forensic Services, and API Subscription Services. Transaction amount is $2,128,500. This item was deferred from the March 6th Board of Estimates meeting.

Public Works

SB-24-10344, Anchor Construction Corp. for Project SC 978 Small Diameter Sewer Main Replacement in Roland Park. Transaction amount is $20,710,000.

Real Estate

SB-24-10639,  1st- License Agreement - Inner Harbor area known as West Shore Park (Block 0890, Lot 003). Amount is $30,625. “The Licensee has chosen the City of Baltimore to serve as the site for its authentic German-Style Wine Village which shall be known as the “Wine Village in Baltimore” and desires to use a portion of the Property for the purpose of holding the Event.”

Address the Board


Members of the public can submit Statements of Opposition. Statements must be received by noon on the Tuesday prior to the Board of Estimates meeting. A Statement of Opposition means a written statement by a member of the public expressing opposition to an item presented on a Board of Estimates agenda for a vote, provided that the person submitting the statement of opposition is a City resident or taxpayer, or a spokesperson for a City resident or taxpayer, or is directly and specifically affected by a pending matter or decision of the Board, and (d) that is distinct from a Protest.

Members of the public can also submit statements of support to the Board of Estimates. Statements of support can come from anyone in the public in support of any item listed on the stated Board of Estimates agenda.  Please indicate if you would like to address the Board or only wish to have your statement of support noted.


Protests for contract awards must be received by noon on the Monday prior to the Board of Estimates meeting. A protest is a written challenge to the award of a bid to a particular bidder that has been presented to the Board of Estimates on an agenda for a vote. Anyone submitting a protest must be registered as a procurement lobbyist with the Board of Ethics in accordance with Baltimore City Ethics Code, §8-12.

Rules for submitting Protests and Statements of Opposition are available at the Comptroller's website. Protests (written challenges to the award of a bid) must be received by noon on the Monday prior to the Board of Estimates meeting. 

The complete regulations on procurement, protests, minority and women-owned business enterprises, and debarment/suspensions can be found on the Comptroller's website.

Protests and Statements of Opposition or Support must be submitted to by mail or hand delivery to Attn: Clerk, Board of Estimates Room 204, City Hall, 100 N. Holliday Street. 

Attend the Meeting

In person. Join us on the second floor of City Hall in the Hyman Pressman Board Room, 100 N. Holliday St.

Streaming. All meetings are streamed live on Charm TV and posted after on Charm TV's Youtube channel.

Listen in. Members of the public can call in via Webex by dialing (408)-418-9388; access code: 2330 340 7248

Watch on television. Watch Charm TV, channel 25.

Schedule. The Board meets regularly on the first and third Wednesday of each month, with the exception of June and December. Please see the Comptroller’s website for a detailed BOE meeting schedule and associated submission deadlines.


Public Information Requests. Requests for background documents for any Board of Estimates items should be made through

Open Checkbook. The Office of the Comptroller recently launched Open Checkbook 2.0 Spending Explorer, a new public-facing online tool that tracks the city’s third-party vendor payments.  Open Checkbook 2.0 allows the public to review Baltimore City’s spending by accessing payments to suppliers. The site is updated daily. 

BOE Database. The Baltimore City Board of Estimates (BOE) Database provides both transparency and easy access to searchable information for the BOE, Comptroller’s Office, internal agency customers and the public. It can be found at

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